Tag Archives: spirituality

Ease and Grace and setting an ‘Intention’…

Setting an intention about ‘Knowingness and asking and receiving’.With thanks to Holly Marwood and The Council of Orion, sending Greetings from Mount Shasta and Sandi Radomski. When working with Energy Psychotherapy we speak a lot about ‘setting intentions’.  Since the heart felt space of intention holds a vibrational frequency 60 times more powerful than the vibration which comes fromContinue Reading

Continuing on Superconsciousness…

As we continue on the path of Awakening, I have found it incredibly helpful to be open to listening to the messages from our galactic brothers and sisters who are here to help us on planet earth and are able to help us in this process of raising our frequency. Many channels are bringing throughContinue Reading


ACCESSING AND MAINTAINING OUR ‘HIGHER’ CONSCIOUSNESS – THE SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS  “Please remember that it is the frequency of your consciousness that sets the frequency of your creation. You are moving into the creation of New Earth, so the frequency of your consciousness needs to as high of level as possible”                                                                            Dr Sue Mortimer, Message from theContinue Reading

The New Year.

2019 Integrating our souls into our bodies – embodying our light in physical form. Contemporary spiritual teachers are saying that the new and very high vibrational energy of 2019 brings profound hope and healing. Essentially, humanity is learning to integrate our souls into our bodies – embodying our light in physical form – transforming slowly fromContinue Reading