The equinox is a time to restore balance. This retreat offers a period of withdrawal from the busy-ness of life, so you can reflect and replenish in a calm and energising setting. Autumn brings many beautiful changes in nature and noticing the changing rhythms in life will be part of our focus.
It is also time when the light and dark are in even balance. There will be opportunities to reflect on how we can best integrate the shadow with the light and come to terms with the rollercoaster of moving between between our egoic judgemental minds and the the awakening mind.
The retreat will include:
Meditations (group and individual).
Some form of physical movement such as yoga, going for walks etc.
Appreciation of nature and the changing seasons.
Singing scared chants.
Exploring and working with aspects of our own light and shadow.
Use of self help energy psychology tools as part of the process of integration.

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